Thursday, April 14, 2011

If God Made Us That Way, We'd All Be Pissin' In Our Faces

I was upstairs when I heard Jack say, "I did it!", which means poo poo in the potty. So I go downstairs and look at him when he says, "I had a little accident". His shirt was soaking wet. I asked him what was on his shirt, and he said pee pee. I asked him how it happened, he wouldn't tell me. I have a pretty good idea.

Bonus - Who knows what movie my title is from?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Epiphany From Endorphins

I was in the middle of my spin class and going up a ridiculous hill, when the instructor yelled out, Earn It!

I heard it - EARN IT!

Things can't be fixed with magic pills. Not weight loss (in my case), not a sedentary life, unhappiness, or the lack of anything. If you want something, new or changed - do it. Work for it. Earn it!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

What the heck?? Grace can't go to Preschool because we make too much money? The district here only allows those that make under a certain amount of money to attend the public school preschools. So now I guess I will look into private preschools. And I was so hoping for her to go to the school right down the street, with some of her friends.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

I Love Make Believe and Stories

Apparently I missed the ghost that flew by our window, and then the witch and the troll, then aliens and then we were turned into frogs but now we are people again. I missed a lot in the 2 minutes that I was upstairs.