Monday, October 29, 2012

Just A Name

The other day we all traveled into Fresno. I usually bring the kids a snack, because that can be a long trip. On our way home the kids got hungry and asked for a snack, so I gave them one. When Grace was done with hers she said -

Grace: Mom you should have brought a trash bag
Jack: She did.... Mom, here's my trash.

So APPARENTLY, to Jack I am a trash bag. I guess one of the many names of a mother.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Man In The Making

I have been trying to teach Jack that as a man he needs to hold doors open for girls. Well today as we left the library he ran out the door and didn't hold it open for me and Grace. I told him as we were leaving that he needs to be a good man and hold the door open for girls, even if it is just me and Grace. So he runs back up to the door and holds it open for a little old lady who was on her way in. I thought this was very cute especially since we were quite a ways from the front door. I hope he will always be thoughtful and a good man.