Wednesday, October 12, 2011


The other day Jack sneezed, and then said....
That was a big bless you.
I guess my son doesn't sneeze, he bless you's.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

I Just Want 30 Seconds

So, I am in the bathroom, and Grace comes in and looks at me and asks me what I am doing? What does it look like I am doing - I am peeing! I have worked here for almost 5 years, I think I deserve a potty break.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Worth a Thousand Words

Jack came to me and mumbled something about the fridge and making something cool. I wasn't really paying attention. Then I heard him in the fridge again, and saying something about making something cold. And then it registered what he was talking about....
My son put our kittens in the refrigerator. We had a talk.
I am thinking I may need to start another blog dedicated to just Jack and our cats. Jack and the tale of two tails - what do you think?

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Serial Killer??

We got 2 kittens recently. We have all fallen in love with them. They are just starting to not run and hide when they see us. They have gotten a little comfortable with the kids. Today, I saw one of them sleeping on the couch and asked the kids if they knew where the other one was. They both said no - so off to search I went. I went into the guest room and noticed a chair up against the closet door, so I moved it. What made me look in the closet, I don't know - but there she was. Jack locked the cat in the closet. We had a talk.
Later.... I saw him trying to stuff the same cat in Graces play kitchen oven. Dad did you ever give him kitty meat?
He picks them up by their tails, and I even caught him not once but twice strangling them.
I hear this is how it begins - they start by torturing animals.

Monday, September 19, 2011

A Place I Can Go By Myself

I have found a new reason to read - not really a new reason, just one that I recognize that is vital for me. I meet new people. I get to know them and sometimes fall in love with them. I am just finishing a really good book. One that has been so different then any other book I have read before, not because of the story or the characters, or the way it is written, or maybe all of the above. I can see these people, I can hear them. I read and then get distracted by the kids, and catch myself wondering if I paused my show, only to remember that it is a book. I have stuck to the same authors, and find myself now older, and needing something more from a book. Nicholas Sparks you were great when I was younger, and loved reading about falling in love - but I think I am past that. I want something a little more - substantial. Something just as easy to read ( I have 2 little ones running around). It will be time to go to the book store again - or Camilles Closet.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

A Jack-ism

You don't throw a fit, and you don't throw poop!

Both I find to be very good advice.

Monday, September 12, 2011

It's Just Fertilizer - Right?

We have told Jack that if he has to go potty when he is outside playing he can just pee in the bushes. We told him this because he kept peeing on the cement. So now he 'waters' the plants. I think allowing him to pee outside has backfired. Yesterday Grace came in the house and told us that Jack went poo poo in the bushes. We looked outside to see Jack with his undies down around his ankles and streaks of poop down his leg, and a big pile, in my flower bed.
We made sure to explain that he has to come in to go poo poo, but it is ok to pee outside.
So later he came running into the living room, opened the slider, ran around the garden and peed in the bushes, and ran back around the garden and back into the house.
I think we need to have a talk and let him know that he doesn't always have to go outside, he is allowed to use the bathroom. Or maybe we will just build him an outhouse.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

What's In A Name?

The kids are playing dress up - a daily activity in our home. Grace came out dressed in a princess dress. She told me her name was Princess Fairy Sparkle. She asked me if I liked that name, of course I said yes. Then she said this.... Well, then how come you didn't name me that when I was a baby?
I didn't know I could. We will be going down to the courthouse today to change her name. Mom, can you get us a mug with Princess Fairy Sparkle on it??

Monday, August 15, 2011


We went down to see Jared and Lindsay before they moved away to Texas this last weekend. It was a really nice weekend for me (I think I needed it). Well, it was the first long trip in the car that Jack didn't wear a diaper - he did so great! No accidents. We were almost home, seriously 5 minutes away and he freaked out cause he had to go potty. So Clint pulled over and quickly got him out and let him pee on the side of the road - don't know why but I was a proud mom at that moment. Good job Jack!

Friday, August 5, 2011

I Feel So Cheap

The other day we (me and the kids) went into Fresno. While we were there we met up with Nana and Avery. The girls were going to get the hair cut and Jack and I were going to go to Target. Jack did not want to go - he wanted to stay with the girls. So Nana bribed him and gave him a dollar so he could get something in the dollar section. While Jack and I were on our way there I asked him what he wanted to get and he said that he wanted to get a new mommy with his money.

Way to be honest kid.

Friday, June 10, 2011

The Best Day Ever

It was such a good day today -
Waking up to Jack screaming at 5:30, and discovering he had a fever.
Dealing with sales on Craigslist.
Getting things organized and priced, and somewhat cleaned up for our yard sale tomorrow.
Cleaning up Jack vomit and dealing with a 103 temperature.
Trying to help Grace have an okay day in such a not okay day.
Finding out that we will close on our house a few days after I really wanted to - but hey, it's done.

- let's see if I have the best night ever

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Anyone want testicle ice cream?

Grace colored a picture with about 100 different ice cream cones on it. Now she is in the process of telling me all the flavors of them. She just told me that one was nad berry. And then asked me if I knew how to make nad berry? (I assume from nads (?)). And now I have to act like that sounds delicious - for the record, it does not.

I debated posting this - but it was too funny not to.
being a parent is fun

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I have learned a few things since becoming a mother. But the one thing that I have learned that makes me so very sad, is that I will not have my kids for very long. My 4 year old is a completely different person than her 2 year old self. I miss the 2 year old. I was holding my son a little while ago, as he told me about his sticker picture that he did, and I started to miss him. I know what will happen with the second that I did not know with my first - he will be gone soon. I am really going to miss my little man.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

If God Made Us That Way, We'd All Be Pissin' In Our Faces

I was upstairs when I heard Jack say, "I did it!", which means poo poo in the potty. So I go downstairs and look at him when he says, "I had a little accident". His shirt was soaking wet. I asked him what was on his shirt, and he said pee pee. I asked him how it happened, he wouldn't tell me. I have a pretty good idea.

Bonus - Who knows what movie my title is from?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Epiphany From Endorphins

I was in the middle of my spin class and going up a ridiculous hill, when the instructor yelled out, Earn It!

I heard it - EARN IT!

Things can't be fixed with magic pills. Not weight loss (in my case), not a sedentary life, unhappiness, or the lack of anything. If you want something, new or changed - do it. Work for it. Earn it!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

What the heck?? Grace can't go to Preschool because we make too much money? The district here only allows those that make under a certain amount of money to attend the public school preschools. So now I guess I will look into private preschools. And I was so hoping for her to go to the school right down the street, with some of her friends.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

I Love Make Believe and Stories

Apparently I missed the ghost that flew by our window, and then the witch and the troll, then aliens and then we were turned into frogs but now we are people again. I missed a lot in the 2 minutes that I was upstairs.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Sometimes I call Grace, Gracie-goo. Jack started calling her that too. Then today he started calling me Mommy-goos. I love it! It sounds so sweet coming from his little mouth.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Big Boy

Jack is potty trained. He did such a good job, and can do it all by himself. We are still in diapers at bedtime, but big boy undies during the day. He also got visited by the pacifier fairy last week, and hasn't asked for it. He grew up a lot these last few weeks. Now when he argues that he is a big boy, I can say, yes you are.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Who Makes The Rules?

Grace: Mom can I have a jelly bean?
Me: No
Grace: But I said when we get home I can have a treat.

Well, If she said so....

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Itsy Bitsy Spider

The kids were outside playing when I heard a horrible scream. It was Jack. Then I heard Grace with terror in her voice calling me for help. I ran out there and there was Jack screaming at me, 'bugs on me'. He had a spider crawling up his arm. I knocked it off, but I guess playtime was over.
I would have done the same thing. But not what I would have expected from Jack.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Watch What You Say

Jack has picked up something that I say. I am glad that we don't curse, or say things that we wouldn't want our children to say. Although I would prefer him not to say this, but I think it is too funny. He has started to say - Darmik

I think he means Darn It

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I have been dealing with 2 sick kids for the last week and a half. Fevers, vomit, and very needy children has been very exhausting. I am glad it seems we are finally on the end of whatever has been infecting my kids. Here's to hoping we start the weekend healthy and it carries us into next week, and back to routine.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Car Treats

On our way to Target...

Grace: Can we get a treat for the car for when we go to Monga and Pongas?
Me: What kind of treat?
Grace: Umm, maybe twinkies?
Me: No, those are too messy
Grace: No they aren't
Me: yes they are, they will get all over our hands
Grace: We can just lick our fingers

spoken like a true 4 year old, but I still didn't let her get them.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Not Just Another Day

I have had only a handful of spiritual experiences. Moments where I knew the Spirit was present, revelation of things in my life or things I needed to know. Callings I felt were really called by Heavenly Father. Today I had one of those moments.

I have been thinking about my testimony a lot lately. Last weeks Sunday school lesson and todays relief society lesson also brought me pondering my testimony. Not questioning just thinking about the moment that I knew I had one. That one moment when everything changed.

Today was ward conference and in Sacrament meeting, the bishop spoke and when he was done he announced that we would have a rest hymn, and after that we would like to have brother Wilkinson and sister Robison to come up and share their testimonies. WHAT??? I was not asked prior to hearing this when everyone else did. I am actually glad that I was not asked. I was glad that my heart only thumped fast and hard for the duration of the song and the other testimony.

I shared my testimony. And this was my spiritual moment. I feel that I was called to share my testimony because it was inspired by Heavenly Father. I feel that the last week or so, had been preparing me to be able to calmly go up in front of everyone and share my experience and testimony. And have it be real and not rehearsed. I was grateful for this experience.

Also my kids were very good in the meeting, which I am sure was a blessing, and also a guarantee to keep us there.

42:23 (not great, but it is mine)

Yesterday we went to support Cara and Alivia at the heart walk. Since it was only 2 miles Clint and I decided to run it. I have been going to the gym 6 days a week for the last 20 days and I almost always run on the treadmill. I know how my body feels. Well as we were running my body started to get tired, and my calves burned so I knew we were pretty close to the end of the 2 miles, only there was no end in site. We were told that there would be water stations at the mile marks. I passed one (ok, mile one down, still feeling good) then passed another (umm, if that was 2 miles, where is the end, and how far is this run?) 2 miles is about all I am capable of right now (at a constant run) so I started to walk and catch my breath and let my calves get a break. Then I ran a little more, walked a little and then ran again, and passed others in our team (team Alivia) and finally saw the end. What I thought was a 2 mile run actually turned into a 5k. Yes I did 3.2 miles. I was prepared to do 2 and was a little upset that I couldn't run the whole thing. Then I needed to remind myself that I came into the run thinking I was just going to finish - no stopping for 2 miles, and that is what I did. Celebrate the small things! I guess that is my first official race. I am planning on doing another 5k in April and that one I am going to run the whole thing.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Sometimes I Guess It Is Worth It

Grace hit Jack and then looked at me, like it was worth it, and then without me saying anything walked herself upstairs for a time out.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

I Just Need A Little Cooperation Or Concentration

I am starting to learn that our bodies are capable of a lot. The only obstacle our bodies have, is our mind.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

No, I Don't Find Robert Pattinson Attractive

I am not a trendy person. I don't follow what is popular at the time. In fact I go out of my way to not like what everyone else likes. I read the Twilight books years ago, and finished all but the last (since it was still being written when I finished all of the other books). Then they started making the movies and all of the appeal went away for me. It became a craze, and I didn't read the last book nor did I see the movies. Then out of boredom I watched the movies, and then I wanted to read the last book. So now I am in the middle of the book.

I am currently on the computer listening to music to find music that will help keep me on the treadmill longer. I have listened to a little Katy Perry, some Rihanna, and yes some Justin Bieber(all of which will not make my playlist). I have never listened to Justin Bieber, but I have been very anti Bieber (again the popular thing). Now having listened to him, I can say that I kind of like him. Would I listen to him regularly - absolutely not. But I wouldn't change the station. He kind of has a very sweet voice.

So the point of my post - Don't knock things til you have tried them. And yes, I am well aware that I sound like a 12 year old girl.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Ice Skating and Speeding Tickets

Yesterday was a good day. We got some grocery shopping done, picked up a prescription, and Clint got another backpacking item. Then Nana and Papa took us all out to lunch and to see Disney on Ice. Grace had so much fun. She got to see all of the princesses. And Jack sat surprisingly really well. It was a really cute show. We had a really nice time. Thanks Aunt Cara and Uncle Jimmy for sharing your cotton candy with the kids, and of course Thanks Nana and Papa for a really nice date.

On our way home we got pulled over and issued a speeding ticket. I am sure that our ticket is going to cost more than Nana and Papa spent on lunch and show tickets. I guess nothing can be perfect.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Time Out

Grace and Jack were fighting. I was on the phone with Clint and wasn't really paying attention. They went up stairs. Grace came back down and starting doing her art again. I asked her where Jack was, she told me he was upstairs in his crib. And then she said this - I put him in his crib for a time out for messing up my art.

I don't know what is better, that Grace put her brother on time out, or that Jack went willingly.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I Scream For Ice Cream

Jack and Grace are fighting over ice cream. Grace took Jacks ice cream, and he is whining to me about it.

Let me clarify

Grace took Jacks make believe ice cream.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Ultra Sound

Grace: Mom what is that
Me: It is a picture of Jack when he was in my tummy.
Grace: ??
Me: The doctor took a picture of Jack when he was in my tummy, see here is his head, and his nose, and this is his foot.
Grace: (after much pondering) There can't be any fun things to do in there.

She may be right, unless you count growing finger nails.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Fire Extinguisher

Jack threw one of his toys down the stairs and it broke. He just asked me to fix it and I told him that it was broken and I couldn't fix it. He told me again to fix it. I told him that it is really broken and I couldn't fix it. He then told me to get some tape.

I guess I am going to find some tape.

Monday, January 17, 2011

I'm Did, I'm Didn't

Just listened to The Land of Obey with Grace and Jack. Grace followed along and did the things they asked her to do. Good Times!

Now if only I could find the green tape.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

It Was MyTurn

I love when my kids fight over who gets to say prayer. Hopefully they will never fight over who has to say prayer.

Friday, January 14, 2011


The kids are playing library. Jack is the Librari-er. I am not correcting this. It is too cute.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Happy Birthday

Grace turned 4 this last week. She wanted a mermaid party, and that is what she got. She had a play date party on Friday and her family party on Saturday. Aunt Sarah bought her a mermaid costume so she fit right in. She got lots of fun gifts, and really had a lot of fun with all of her friends and her family. I think it will be quite a while before I do a big party again. It was cute, but too much work. I was glad that Mom and Sarah and Riley were able to come up, my favorite part of this weekend was the glowie fight - Jack was the winner.

Monday, January 3, 2011

It's A New Day, A New Dawn

It is a new year, which means a new beginning. A time where people make resolutions, or what ever they want to call them. I make some, and for the last couple of years they have been the same, and actually I tend to make the same ones every month or so. I promise myself that I will lose weight and with that comes, I promise that I will exercise and eat better. Well since this has been my resolution for a few years now, and nothing has happened... This year I am not making this a resolution. This year I am just going to do it. I have made a few 'I promises', some that I think I can really do. So New Year - let's be kind to one another. I will not waste you if you do not pass by to quickly.