Monday, January 3, 2011

It's A New Day, A New Dawn

It is a new year, which means a new beginning. A time where people make resolutions, or what ever they want to call them. I make some, and for the last couple of years they have been the same, and actually I tend to make the same ones every month or so. I promise myself that I will lose weight and with that comes, I promise that I will exercise and eat better. Well since this has been my resolution for a few years now, and nothing has happened... This year I am not making this a resolution. This year I am just going to do it. I have made a few 'I promises', some that I think I can really do. So New Year - let's be kind to one another. I will not waste you if you do not pass by to quickly.

1 comment:

  1. I love the last line of this post! As for resolutions...
