Tuesday, February 7, 2012

His Hair Wasn't The Only Thing Red

Jack came into Clint and I, and said that his bottom hurt, it really hurt. So I thought maybe his bottom wasn't wiped good and I told him to go into my bathroom and get a wipe and wipe his butt. He came out much later with no pants on saying his bottom still hurt, while carrying a tub of clorox disinfecting wipes. I told him those were the wrong ones, he needed to use the baby wipes, and he told us those weren't strong enough. He then started to kind of scream in pain. His pore little butt was so red. Clint put him in the bath and that seemed to help. Jack does some pretty funny things, but burning his bottom with disinfecting wipes is probably one of the funniest.

1 comment:

  1. A new post....Yea!
    Jack does do some pretty funny things. Make sure you write them all down so that someday when he has kids of his own he will know where their humor came from.
