Sunday, February 13, 2011

42:23 (not great, but it is mine)

Yesterday we went to support Cara and Alivia at the heart walk. Since it was only 2 miles Clint and I decided to run it. I have been going to the gym 6 days a week for the last 20 days and I almost always run on the treadmill. I know how my body feels. Well as we were running my body started to get tired, and my calves burned so I knew we were pretty close to the end of the 2 miles, only there was no end in site. We were told that there would be water stations at the mile marks. I passed one (ok, mile one down, still feeling good) then passed another (umm, if that was 2 miles, where is the end, and how far is this run?) 2 miles is about all I am capable of right now (at a constant run) so I started to walk and catch my breath and let my calves get a break. Then I ran a little more, walked a little and then ran again, and passed others in our team (team Alivia) and finally saw the end. What I thought was a 2 mile run actually turned into a 5k. Yes I did 3.2 miles. I was prepared to do 2 and was a little upset that I couldn't run the whole thing. Then I needed to remind myself that I came into the run thinking I was just going to finish - no stopping for 2 miles, and that is what I did. Celebrate the small things! I guess that is my first official race. I am planning on doing another 5k in April and that one I am going to run the whole thing.


  1. More power to ya for running and going to the gym! Maybe you'll inspire me... one of these days. It was a great day. Go Team Alivia!

  2. You did great. I was proud of you and Clint for running. I don't think I will ever be a runner.
