Sunday, August 29, 2010

My Romance Doesn't Have To Have A Moon In The Sky

Clint got home from his 9 day backpacking trip late Friday night. Earlier that day I went to the store and bought cheeses and salami and some crackers for Saturday night, so we could have a nice night, maybe watch a movie or something. You see, I grew up watching and learning from my parents. When they wanted to have a 'night', they would make up a plate of crackers and cheese, and close the hall door and make us stay in our rooms. So in my head, Ritz crackers and cheese is a romantic thing. I haven't decided if this is a weird thing or not.


  1. Not at all. To me the romantic things are really the simple things not the grand gestures.

  2. A good Ritz cracker and a piece of cheese still does it for me. And... if the romance thing doesn't work out, I'm still well fed. Maybe it's weird, maybe it's romantic genius.

  3. Nothing says romance like a good piece of salami.

  4. Sarah, oh the things I could say...
