Friday, August 6, 2010

Why Did the Duck Cross The Road?

We had a visitor yesterday. I went outside around 9 to turn off the sprinklers, and there, playing in the water, was a duck. I quickly called Grace and Jack to come and see. They loved it. We fed it bread, and watched her (we are calling it a her, but who knows?) play in the water. Then Jack chased her into the street, and off she went.

We came out a little later to run some errands and there she was laying on the grass. We loaded in the car and the kids waved bye. Grace thought of names for her and settled on Sparkly. We got home and there she was, sitting on the porch. At this point I am thinking wow, this is pretty neat, a duck that likes to hang out at our house. We got out of the car and she politely moved out of our way to let us get in the house. Then I saw the lovely presents she left on our porch, and quickly realized that this duck thing is so not cool!

She stayed all day long shading herself under the car. Clint thinks she was probably sick and going to die. I asked if I should call someone and his response was no, if she dies I will just throw her in the trash. Nice.

So this morning we got up to see if the duck was still here. We didn't see her, and she has not been back today. Every time we go outside Jack calls for the ducky, but she does not come.
I am afraid to look in the trash.

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