Sunday, August 1, 2010

Yeah, But You Should See The Other Guy

In this case, the 'other guy' is my daughter. We had an unfortunate accident today. Sprinkler play led to a head bonk between Grace and her cousin Asher. Grace lost a tooth. I should say, will, loose a tooth. Her front left tooth is hanging a lot lower than the rest. Her gums are swollen around the tooth, and it looks really bad. She is doing just fine now. She is afraid to eat or drink, and keeps asking 'but what about my tooth', but other than that - I think she will be ok. I, on the other hand...

I cried (blubbered) most of the way home today. I will miss her Spongebob smile. I wasn't ready for this. I am just getting over losing my baby Grace, and now, she will be toothless years before she would have been. She won't have the same smile. She will be different.

We have a call in to the dentist, so I guess this post is to be continued......


  1. Her smile WILL be different, and if she has to have her tooth pulled, you will fall in love with her toothless smile. And when she gets older and her tooth grows back in, you will miss her toothless days.

    I still miss my Little Pumpkin Face (Riley grew up so fast! I miss his toothless smile)

  2. All the kids are growing up way too fast. We will have to embrace each new phase even if it comes early... or late. Buck up Kate!

  3. She is still my sunshine. Accidents happen and this is just one of many to come.
